Portrait of a Catholic School Family
To ensure we are all collaborating effectively, efficiently, and consistently together in pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty in Catholic education,Topeka Administrators humbly offer the following expectations for our families who currently have children enrolled in any of our area Catholic schools.
First Educators
As first educators, consistent with the ‘Rights and Duties of Parents’ from the United Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children. They bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and disinterested service are the rule.” Families are responsible for supporting and teaching our Catholic/Christian values taught in Church and at school. This includes reinforcing what is taught at home in word and deed. All Catholic families are expected to bring your child to Mass weekly.
Time, Talent, and Treasure
These are essential to a successful school. As such, a supportive Catholic School Family:
Partnership and Collaboration
Partnership and collaboration begins with respectful and timely communication with all involved in Catholic education. This includes, but is not limited to, faculty, staff, administration, other families, etc. Also, consistently minimizing child absences and ensuring children arrive on time and are picked up on time are essential to maximizing resources and everyone’s time.
Attendance and Ambassadorship
A positive school community is essential to a school operating effectively and efficiently. Talking positively and constructively to neighbors and people in our Topeka/Shawnee County community is helpful when procuring resources to support our area Catholic schools. Attending parent - teacher organizational meetings is key to developing talking points to share with others.
Topeka Administrators